WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

Saturday, December 28, 2013

AnD tHeN ThErE wErE FoUr...

What a busy, yet exciting month! It is so hard to BeLiEvE that ChRiStMaS time is here already and that we once again get to CeLeBrAtE the BiRtH of our SaViOr :) HoW truly bLeSsEd we have been this year!! 
We are slowly, but surly getting settled into our new HoMe! LaNdOn has already picked out his FaVoRiTe spots in our hOmE and sometimes just doesn't know what to do with all the extra sPaCe! I find him pLaYiNg with this tOyS on the window ledges, in his new RoOm just playing or reading BoOkS, and even wandering around downstairs just because he can! He can't wait to go outside and pLaY again (more on that later...).
We have been a little slow on getting our ChRiStMaS sHoPpInG done this year and slow to get up our ChRiStMaS dEcOrAtIoNs :/ It is probably a good thing WeS is here to keep reminding me that we need to get our tReE up or it just might not have gotten done! LaNdOn did great helping put up the tree and decorate it! I have words and letters on our tree and all throughout our HoMe and since he is going through a LeTtEr obsession phase I have been finding them all over the house :) He is good about trying to leave the words on the ChRiStMaS tReE alone, but my letters on my craft tables are completely fair game to him! At least he is learning his letters :)
LaNdOn also got to go and meet SaNtA!! He did so AwEsOmE and didn't even CrY once :) He even gave him a 'high-five' and got a CaNdY cAnE! Afterwards we went and hung out with WeS up at his desk and played with anything we could find! He did such a GrEaT JoB and was so GoOd :)
This year we tried to keep it simple and just got him a big track for all of his cars and trains to go on. (In the famous words of WeS...it looked like Radiator Springs and The Island of Sodor threw up in our house). Everyone else had different ideas and spoiled him rotten!! LaNdOn has sooo many trains, cars, and books that he doesn't know what he should actually play with!
This year we were also able to help out with our ward 'giving tree' and help a few people in need. We had fun shopping for new clothes and remote controls cars for the kids we got! It was sooo much fun for Wes to get to pick out things he would probably play with himself :)
We also started this month out with LaNdOn's first case of CrOuP this year :( We had to make a few trips to see his PeDiAtRiCaIn and in the end LaNdOn got DiAgNoSeD with ChRoNiC CrOuP. Different kids have different TrIgGeRs, but LaNdOn'S is the really CoLd WeAtHeR. This has always been a constant problem since he was BoRn, but has gotten worse and worse the older he has gotten. We are finally able to start AgGrEsSiVeLy TrEaTiNg it the several rounds of StErOiDs along with BrEaThInG TrEaTmEnTs. Luckily this has worked and we have been able to keep him out of the hOsPiTaL! He is getting to be a 'PrO' at taking his MeDiCiNe and doing his BrEaThInG TrEaTmEnTs :) The down side to his type of CrOuP is that he can't really be around a lot of people/kids and isn't allowed to be outside in the CoLd...so in turn he doesn't get to pLaY oUtSiDe. It has to be a little warmer in order for him to get to be OuTsIdE, which explains why we never have this problem until WiNtEr comes around! He is doing well though and we just have to be extra careful at our HoMe!!
This month we were also able to find out we were ExPeCtInG another LiTtLe BoY in JuNe!!! We couldn't be more eXcItEd and can't wait to have another PrEcIoUs BoY in our HoMe :) It is definitely going to be a little bit different and CrAzY, but we are so ExCiTeD for this new aDvEnTuRe and hope LaNdOn is too!! It is so FuN to think we are now a FaMiLy of 4! This time around has been a little bit more tricky then it was with LaNdOn. I have battled a lot of MoRnInG NaUsEa, been ExHaUsTeD, and been sUpEr SoRe! After we got out of the FiRsT TrImEsTeR life has definitely gotten better :) This BaBy is a whole lot CaLmEr than LaNdOn was, which makes me nervous that he is going to be a CrAzY LiTtLe BoY as he grows up!! It has been so AmAzInG to get to experience this GrOwInG BaBy all over again and I can't wait to meet him!! I know that LaNdOn is going to be the BeSt BiG BrOtHeR :)
We truly HoPe the LoRd has bLeSsEd your FaMiLy has much as he has our this YeAr! We are so gRaTeFuL for our SaViOr and it has been so much FuN to teach LaNdOn all about him! We are so very bLeSsEd to know the gOsPeL is TrUe and that we have LoViNg HeAvEnLy PaReNtS who truly LoVe and CaRe for us and want us all to LiVe with them AgAin! We are so gRaTeFuL for our oLdEr BrOtHeR and LoVe him so very much!

Playing Cars...

Meeting SaNtA...

ChRiStMaS MoRnInG...

BrEaThInG TrEaTmEnTs...

BaBy Boy 'L'

TuRkEy DaY...

HaPpY TuRkEy DaY!! I LoVe TuRkEy DaY cause that means I get to eat a lot of really great tasting food and don't have to feel guilty about it one bit! This year we spent TuRkEy DaY with my FaMiLy and LaNdOn LoVeD it cause there are sooo many KiDs around. I am the oldest GrAnDcHiLd on my dad's side so everyone else is quite a bit YoUnGeR than I am. It was fUn to see everyone and see what everyone has going on in their LiVeS :)
After eating and visiting with everyone we headed over to my SiStEr'S HoMe to eat more food and play GaMeS! LaNdOn LoVeS going to my SiStEr'S HoMe cause she has 4 dogs, 2 of which are YoRkIeS (by the way LaCiE we are impatiently waiting for ours!) Her 2 YoRkIeS absolutely LoVe LaNdOn cause he is just their size and they can JuMp up and LiCk his FaCe! He always LaUgHs for HoUrS and LoVeS it when he gets to play FeTcH with them! He just thinks they are the coolest DoGs around!! It was so FuN to be able to spend time with everyone and we were all ExHaUsTeD by the end of the day!....
A little earlier in the month we knew we had to start packing up our HoMe! It went a lot faster than we were expecting. LaNdOn had a bLaSt playing in all of the BiG, EmPtY BoXeS...but at the same time was a little confused as to why we were packing everything up! I had packed up his train set earlier in the week and he had a complete MeLtDoWn!! He was so sad and had the BiGgEsT aLLiGaToR tears :( I didn't have the HeArT to keep packing up his room so we waited until the day we were moving to finish up his room. I tried to keep things as normal as I could for a 2 year old.
The day before TuRkEy DaY was the BiG day!! We were so eXcItEd, yet so nervous to leave! It all went pretty smoothly and we can't thank everyone who helped us move enough!! LaNdOn did great the first night in our HoMe and only woke up once a little freaked out. I put him in bed with WeS and I and he went right back to sleep. It took him a good week to realize this was our new HoMe and that he had a new BeDrOoM. He was really done GrEaT with the mOvE and hopefully he LoVeS his new HoMe :)

LaNdOn LoVeS them!

PuMpKiNs, pUmPkInS, PuMpKinS...

Most people LoVe OcToBeR due to all the CaNdY...I LoVe OcToBeR due to all of the PuMpKiNs!!! I absolutely LoVe pUmPkInS :) They are by far the coolest looking OrAnGe things around! I LoVe going out to the PuMpKiN PaTcHeS and looking for the PeRfEcT  PuMpKiNs! It is sooo much FuN, especially now that I have a CuTe LiTtLe BoY who LoVeS to do it just as much as I do (and a HuSbAnD who is a good sport and goes with me). This year I didn't to have as many PuMpKiNs around our HoMe as I would have liked because....we have officially decided to list our HoMe and find our PeRfEcT HoMe where we can raise our FaMiLy and be settled for a very long time!
Selling our HoMe has been a hard decision, mostly cause this is our FiRsT hOmE that we bought together and the FiRsT HoMe that we brought LaNdOn HoMe to after he was born. We just have sooo many GrEaT MeMoRieS that it is hard to leave, but we are running out of space and need something BiGgEr and a YaRd for LaNdOn to run around in!
The HoMe search was a crazy one, but we knew what school districts we wanted to be in and we really wanted to stay in our same church stake...so our options were limited to say the least. We headed out and started looking...and surprisingly we found our perfect HoMe that day! We went and put in an offer and immediately started doubting our decision. The HoMe we found wasn't very far along in the building process, in fact it only had the walls up and nothing else, so trying to figure out what it would actually looked like had us both doubting!! That night WeS and I didn't sleep a wink and the next day I called our realtor and told him I needed to go back and look at the HoMe again. This time the bUiLdEr was there and he was able to show us and explain to us everything that was going to be where and happen. After that I knew this was the HoMe for us!! The bUiLdEr accepted our offer and everything we asked for right on the spot! We were so excited that we finally found our HoMe where we would be able to have our FaMiLy :)
We had a lot of work to do and a lot of stuff to pick out (tile, cabinets, carpet, appliances, landscaping, fence, lights, etc.) I was a busy process and one that I don't really want to do again anytime soon, but it was fun and we can't wait to see it all come together!
We also did FaMiLy PiCtUrEs this month...and here are a few our our FaVoRiTeS :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

HaPpY BiRtHdAy WeS!!!

FaMiLy VaCaTiOn Continued...

The last day of our VaCaTiOn couldn't have ended with anything other than a BaNg...literally. As we were checking out of our HoTeL, we gave LaNdOn a few rides on the luggage carrier. As we were putting it away, LaNdOn got off and started running back to WeS. What he didn't see what a GiAnT piece of GrAnItE about his eye level and he ran right into it knocking him flat. Not only did he get a big bLaCk EyE he had a GiAnT GoOsE-EgG on the back of his head. We kept him awake for a few hours before we would let him sleep, just to try and make sure he didn't have a CoNcUsSiOn!! After that disaster, we decided to take LaNdOn to see TeMpLe SqUaRe! I didn't realize how much water there was there until I had a 2 year old doing anything and everything he could just to get his little FiNgErS in the WaTeR!! He LoVeD running around and would say hi to all the Sister Missionaries around. It was fun to see him stop to sMeLL all the pretty flowers (he might have picked a few too)! It was fun just to be around the TeMpLe with our FaMiLy and try to teach LaNdOn how ImPoRtAnT the TeMpLe is in our lives! 
This month is also Wes's BiRtHdAy...of coarse he had a work Marketing Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana and left the day before his BiRtHdAy!! He was super busy the whole week and even got to go and see ImAgInE DrAgOnS in concert while he was there. Every night he would call LaNdOn and I before we went to BeD so they could have their nightly head-bunting sessions. It was super funny and LaNdOn would laugh and laugh. He truly is such a great DaD to LaNdOn! It is fun to see how much they love and care about each other! He is such a GrEaT ExAmpLe of the type of person I hope and pray LaNdOn with become! 
This month was full of fun things and not so fun things. We took LaNdOn to the PaRk every chance we got and he got more and more brave. He was finally going down the BIG sLiDe all by himself and did it like a pro!! On the down side, LaNdOn got the flu this month :( It was a pretty rough few day of throwing-up and having diarrhea, but he was a ChAmP and did great!!
We also decided to sell our hOmE this month since we are ready for a HoMe we can raise our FaMiLy in...that and we really need a BaCkYaRd!!! Only time will tell...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to the BeSt DaD and LiTtLe BoY could ask for!!

HaPpY 2nD BiRthDaY LaNdOn!!!

We can't believe that it is already AuGuSt and that we now have a 2 YeAr oLd!! Time has flow by sooooo fast. I wish I could just sToP time so that I could eNjOy our FuNnY, NiCe, LoViNg, CrAzY, SiLLy, SmArT, CuDdLy, HaNdSoMe little BoY! It seems like just yesterday we found out we were having him and just brought him HoMe from the HoSpiTaL! He has GrOwN so much and is getting SmArTeR and SmArTeR every day. It is hard to BeLiEvE how much he has changed so fast! We absolutely LoVe him to piece and are so LuCkY we are his PaReNtS. He tEaChEs us so much every day and it has been fun to see the different qUaLiTiEs he gets from each of us. He really is a GrEaT mix of WeS and I :)

AuGuSt is such a BuSy bUsY BuSy month for us. We spent a whole weekend CaMpInG (LaNdOn's FiRsT oNe), then LaNdOn turned 2, then we took a FaMiLy VaCaTiOn...so we will start from the beginning...


WeS and I finally decided LaNdOn was old enough to finally take on a CaMpInG trip that we would all enjoy, so we planned a trip with WeS's FaMiLy to HeIsE and off we went. We were the first one's there so we were able to pick where we wanted to put up our TeNt! LaNdOn was off and running around the second he got out of the CaR. He had to eXpLoRe every little thing and of coarse cLiMb up everything just to be sure it was right for him. Once we got the TeNt out and StArTeD putting it together, LaNdOn's helping HaNdS came to the ReScUe. We spent more time LaUgHiNg and trying to keep him off the top of the TeNt then we did actually putting it together. Once we got it all up, then he had to pLaY around on the inside :) he was such a GrEaT little HeLpEr and so funny. After it was all set up and everything inside, we decided to take a rest on the bed. We then went and set up our chairs and it was so CuTe to see him sit in his just like we were!! He pretty much spent the whole time running around eXpLoRiNg that by the end of the day he was exhausted! We were able to pLaY gAmEs, sit around the CaMpFiRe, MiNaTuRe GoLf, go on WaLkS, and LaNdOn's FaVoRiTe...throw RoCkS in the WaTeR :) He had so much fun, even though we froze to death at night!!

HaPpY 2nD BiRtHdAy LaNdOn!!

This year WeS and I planned more for LaNdOn's BiRtHdAy since he was older and we could actually do more stuff. We decided that we wanted to make his whole day SpEcIaL so when he woke up we had "bawoons" everywhere!! We made him BrEaDfAsT, got ready, then headed off to see the new movie "pLaNeS" (his very first movie theater experience). He didn't know what to think at first but once the MoViE started playing he was MeSmEriZeD! He did absolutely great. We made sure to pack his favorite SnAcKs/TrEaTs and he made it through all but 10 minutes (it was his nap time).
After the MoViE we came home and LaNdOn took a NaP. WeS and I started working on getting the rest of our HoMe decorated for his PaRtY. We literally have "bawoons" in every room possible, got his cAkE and DeCoRaTiOnS out, and all his PrEsEnTs ready. He woke up shortly after and found his 1st present outside....a WaTeR tAbLe ToY! He was in LoVe and getting him to come back inside for his PaRtY gave us nothing but a MeLtDoWn :(
As soon as everyone got to his PaRtY, we did ChOcoLaTe CaKe and IcE-CrEaM (some of his favorites), then opened PrEsEnTs. He got sooo many different things from everyone that he got a little overwhelmed and didn't understand why he couldn't just pLaY with the ToY he just opened. We made it through and he really did have FuN. He GoT a golf set, airplane, John Deer Tractor, Cars, Trucks, Books, Boat, BaLL, and a sLiDe!
He pLaYeD outside for hours, literally, with everything. Afterwards we took him to dinner at Applebee's! (he loves the fries) We had so much fun at dinner and LaNdOn kept us laughing at all the silly faces he makes!
We LoVe our little BoY oh so much and don't know what we would do without him in our lives. He truly brings more HaPpiNeSs into our HoMe then we ever though possible. He definitely keeps us on our ToEs, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
HaPpY BiRtHdAy to the CuTeSt little BoY ever!!

The next couple of weeks in AuGuSt before our FaMiLy VaCaTiOn were nothing short of CrAzY! We were able to take LaNdOn to his first BaSeBaLL gAmE, which is he was more interested in running around the bleachers, played in the sprinklers, and went through 2 floods!! It was crazy how much water we received (which we are so grateful for) in such a short period of time. LaNdOn was in heaven with the lake next to our hOmE! We even let him pLaY in it...

FaMiLy VaCaTiOn...

This year we decided to go down to ThAnKsGiViNg PoInT in UtAh. We had heard and researched that there is sooo much to do there...and we weren't disappointed!
The first day we got down to UtAh we checked into our HoTeL and tried to get settled. LaNdOn has to go explore everything, especially the ShOwEr. After getting everything up to our RoOm, we decided to order in and stay and go sWiMmInG! LaNdOn had a blast JuMpInG into the pOoL over and over again. I think by the end of the night WeS's ArMs were more tired than LaNdOn :)
The SeCoNd day was a BIG day! We had a lot planned and a lot to get done. That morning after breakfast we headed to the AqUaRiUm. They had PeNgUiNs and a GiAnT SeA TuRtLe that I just had to see (they are my favorite)!! We had so much fun and LaNdOn loved watching the FiSh swim by him! After the AqUaRiUm we headed to the DiNoSaUr MuSeUm (Wes's favorite spot). It has absolutely AmAzInG!! I knew that DiNoSaUrS were BIG but I had no idea how BIG until we got to see them!! LaNdOn didn't appreciate it as much as we had hoped but they had FoSSiLs to pLaY with, and sand/water PiT to pLaY in, and last but not least a spot for our little ArChEoLoGiSt to get to work digging up FoSSiLs :) Once we got to the water and digging part LaNdOn LoVeD it and cried when we had to leave. We highly recommend going to the MuSeUm if you have never been before!!
After the fun stuff, we headed up to PaRk CiTy to do some ShOpPiNg since it was SaLe time :) We spent most of the time chasing LaNdOn around since our stroller got 3 flat tires :/
The ThIrD day we headed to the ZoO after breakfast! We though LaNdOn would be more interested in all the AnImaLs this year, but all he wanted to do was pLaY with the WaTeR. They now have a little water place for the kids to pLaY in (take a swimsuit if you go) and LaNdOn spotted it right away!! After pLaY for 30 minutes and getting SoAkEd, we continued on with aLLiGaToR TeArS for miles!! He liked the GiAnT eLePhAnT, a few of the aNiMaLs, and the WaTeR BaLL! It was fun even though he didn't really care about the aNiMaLs :) After eating lunch and taking a nap we headed out to a little water pad by our HoTeL. WeS was a good sport and took LaNdOn through the water...but I think WeS got more WeT than LaNdOn. As soon as the WaTeR would ShOoT up....LaNdOn was out of there! He didn't want it to get him at all!! It was super funny watching WeS try to convince LaNdOn to go in the WaTeR with him and right when he got to where WeS could almost reach him, the WaTeR would ShOoT up again and LaNdOn would take off RuNnInG!! After they dried off, well WeS dried off, we went and got IcE-CreAm then headed back to the HoTeL. We had OnE more bIg vacation day left...

...to be continued...

ReD, wHiTe, AnD bLuE...

JuLy has always been one of my FaVoRiTe months because of all the FuN activities going on throughout the whole month. It is always warm enough that we go SwImMiNg as much as possible, go to PaRaDeS, watch FiReWoRkS, spend time with FaMiLy, go CaMpInG, and enjoy TaStY new TrEaTs :)
LaNdOn has kept us busy busy busy this month as he now thinks he is a MoNkEy...All he wants to do is cLiMb up everything and JuMp off. It doesn't seem to matter how HiGh or StEaDy it is. If it is taller than him he wants up it. Our CoUcHeS have become his new FaVoRiTe place to JuMp from...he is constantly cLiMbInG up them and jumping off. He seems to be FeArLeSs ;/
Last year we had so much fun in the parade throwing CaNdY and wAvInG to all the people we thought we would do it again...little did we know that LaNdOn had absolutely no interest in throwing CaNdY this year and just wanted to play with his CaRs :) It was still fun, but I couldn't help but LaUgH at this LiTtLe BoY!
We absolutely LoVe FiReWoRkS at our home and this year was a real let down. It was so wInDy that they weren't able to let off the FiReWoRkS until after 11:00PM :( So we missed them. We did get to see a few of our neighbors FiReWoRkS and the whole time LaNdOn kept saying "WOW" after every one! It was so FuN to watch his facial expressions. Hopefully next year they will be better and it won't be so windy!
We also went SwImMiNg as much as possible. LaNdOn absolutely LoVeS the WaTeR and will pLaY in it for hours!! He LoVeS the little sLiDe in his little pOoL and has figured out that he can make his cars a little RaCe-TrAcK with it. It's FuN for him and gives me a chance to TaN my wHiTe LeGs :/ LaNdOn has figured out that you LaY on the ToWeLs when you get out so he thinks he is HiLaRiOuS when he LaYs out on them with Me :)
I also introduced LaNdOn to one of my FaVoRiTe TrEaTs...LaFfY TaFfY!! He LiKeD them so much that he had to have his very own to eat! I think that PuRpLe was his FaVoRiTe out of all the kinds that we tried!!
This month we also decided to spend a day with Wes's FaMiLy camping. While we didn't stay the night, LaNdOn still had a bLaSt rUnNiNg around OuTsIdE, sWiMmInG, and going down the WaTeR sLiDe! We packed our lunch and then got to eat dinner and dessert from the campfire. It was fun and all the little KiDs had fun pLaYiNg together!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

NeW cHaNgEs...

JuNe has been a FuN, BuSy, and CrAzY month at our HoMe.  We have had a few ChAnGeS and ExCiTiNg OpPoRtuNiTiEs that have made things a little easier for us, but made us even busier! As most of you know, I lost my job 3 days after we had LaNdOn :/ It made the ExCiTeMeNt of a NeW LiTtLe BoY a little more stressful! I was fortunate enough to get a call from EIRMC with a JoB OpPoRtUnItY :) I was so ReLiEvEd and GrAtEfuL, but StReSsInG about leaving LaNdOn with someone else. We knew it was going to be ok, but it didn't help ease my mind for MoNtHs and MoNtHs. I was able to get a job as an X-RaY TeCh at EIRMC and with 2 hours of driving to do at least 3 times a week, I had a lot of TiMe to ThInK and CrY about leaving my PrEcIoUs BoY :( I made the trek to IdAhO FaLLs for 5 YeArS before our prayers were finally answered and was oFFeRReD a job here in PoCaTeLLo at PhYsIcIaNs ImMeDiAtE CaRe. I absolutely LOVED my job, co-workers, and the doctors I worked with at EIRMC and there were so many exciting changes happening that when I got the new offer, I was HeSiTaNt and ScArEd to say the least. ChAnGe is always hard, no matter how much it benefits you!! We took a LeAp of FaItH and I took the job at PhYsiCiAnS...and it has been a GrEaT dEcIsIoN!! I have really LeArNeD sooo much from the great people I work with. I didn't know how or if I would be able to draw blood and start IV's but somehow I have come to LOVE that part of the job!! (a VaMpIrE I have become) I work with GrEaT people and GrEaT physicians and have learned soooo much that I feel will help in taking care of my FaMiLy. It has TeStEd my CoNfiDeNcE, KnOwLeDgE, and JuDgEmEnT of different SiTuAtIoNs, but has been a great decision to switch jobs!! It has been nice to only have to DrIvE 5 minutes to get to work every day and LaNdOn is only 2 minutes away from where I work so if there is ever a problem I can be there so quick!! That has probably given me the biggest peace of mind! To say that I don't miss EIRMC and my "7 on 7 off" crew would be a BIG uNdErStAtEmEnT!! I have missed not working with them like crazy and all the fun x-rays I got to do everyday, but LaNdOn was our FiRsT PrIoRiTy and we needed to do what was best for him in the long run!! So even though ChAnGe is HaRd, it has been GOoD :)
LaNdOn has kept us BuSy, bUsY, BuSY this month. With it being 90+ degrees outside that is where he thinks he needs to be! He is having so much FuN with SuMmEr this year. We pLaY outside at least half the day when we are HoMe. He LoVeS every single minute of it and has been sLeePiNg through the nIgHt because he just wears himself OuT :) We have spent a lot of TiMe playing in his CaStLe, in SwImMiNg pOoLs, DrAwInG piCtUrEs, at the PaRkS, EaTiNg IcE-cReAm and CoOkIeS, and learning how to DrInK out of a BiG CuP aLL bY HiMseLf!! We have tried to take NiGhtLy walks and then let LaNdOn pLaY outside at the pArK. He has sooo much FuN! It is CrAzY to us that he is going to be turning 2 in AuGuSt!!!! Where has all the time gone?!? Out little baby has definitely turned into a LiTtLe BoY :/ He has been such a HuGe bLeSsInG in our lives!!
Even though his month has been BuSy and FuLL of ExCiTiNg cHaNgEs it has been a great month. We have truly been bLeSsEd to finally feel as though we are putting ourselves at the RiGhT pLacE at the RiGht TiMe. Even though ChAnGe is HaRd and ScArY sometimes, sometimes we just need to have the FaItH that HeAvEnLy FaThEr is trying to put us in the RiGhT pLaCe. He has truly bLeSsEd our FaMiLy so much!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

aLmOsT sUmMeR...

MaY always makes me excited because it means it is that much closer to SuMmEr TiMe!!! It was been so nice to have weather in the 70s and 80s. We have definitely been taking full advantage of the warm days and have been going for WaLkS, RuNnInG aRoUnD, pLaYiNg at the PaRk, and taking LaNdOn for RiDeS in his TrUcK :) He LoVeS to be outside so much that he just cries when it is CoLd out. He doesn't care how CoLd it is...
LaNdOn has become a BIG help around our HoMe and is great at helping me redo the things I have already done :/ He LoVeS the VaCuUm so much that I think he intentionally spills things on the floor just so I have to VaCuUm again and again. He also loves to help me with the LaUnDrY! He is great at taking the clean, folded clothes out of the BaSkEtS and DrAwErS.
LaNdOn has also developed a LoVe of WeS's HaTs. If they are around the HoUsE he finds them and puts them on! They are HuGe on him, so we are probably going to have to find him his own here shortly :)
SuMmEr TiMe also means FrUiT TiMe for our HoMe. I think LaNdOn may have forgotten what some of it tastes like so it has been FuNnY to watch his FaCe when he eats some of the more SoUr FrUiTs :) He LoVeS oRaNgEs and BaNaNaS and is slowing starting to figure out StRaWbErRiEs and RaSpBeRrIeS again.
LaNdOn and his cousin BrOokLyN have been having a few more pLaY-DaTes! They both always seem to want the exact same toy so we have been practicing our "sharing". Sometimes though we just figure out a way to get both of them doing the same thing :)
This month WeS and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary!! It is crazy to think that we have already been MaRrIeD for FoUr YeArS!! Time has just flown by! It seems like yesterday we just met and here we are with our own little FaMiLy :) WeS happened to be in Atlanta, Georgia for our AnNiVeRsArY for work so we didn't get to really CeLeBrAtE...He did surprise me with fLoWeRs though! (I got WeS new GoLf cLuBs a few weeks prior) So while he was away LaNdOn got to be my date so we went for IcE-cReAm! I'm sure LaNdOn didn't mind filling in ;)



Fell Asleep During our Walk


RiDiNg in the TrUcK tOgEtHeR!