HaPpY TuRkEy DaY!! I LoVe TuRkEy DaY cause that means I get to eat a lot of really great tasting food and don't have to feel guilty about it one bit! This year we spent TuRkEy DaY with my FaMiLy and LaNdOn LoVeD it cause there are sooo many KiDs around. I am the oldest GrAnDcHiLd on my dad's side so everyone else is quite a bit YoUnGeR than I am. It was fUn to see everyone and see what everyone has going on in their LiVeS :)
After eating and visiting with everyone we headed over to my SiStEr'S HoMe to eat more food and play GaMeS! LaNdOn LoVeS going to my SiStEr'S HoMe cause she has 4 dogs, 2 of which are YoRkIeS (by the way LaCiE we are impatiently waiting for ours!) Her 2 YoRkIeS absolutely LoVe LaNdOn cause he is just their size and they can JuMp up and LiCk his FaCe! He always LaUgHs for HoUrS and LoVeS it when he gets to play FeTcH with them! He just thinks they are the coolest DoGs around!! It was so FuN to be able to spend time with everyone and we were all ExHaUsTeD by the end of the day!....
A little earlier in the month we knew we had to start packing up our HoMe! It went a lot faster than we were expecting. LaNdOn had a bLaSt playing in all of the BiG, EmPtY BoXeS...but at the same time was a little confused as to why we were packing everything up! I had packed up his train set earlier in the week and he had a complete MeLtDoWn!! He was so sad and had the BiGgEsT aLLiGaToR tears :( I didn't have the HeArT to keep packing up his room so we waited until the day we were moving to finish up his room. I tried to keep things as normal as I could for a 2 year old.
The day before TuRkEy DaY was the BiG day!! We were so eXcItEd, yet so nervous to leave! It all went pretty smoothly and we can't thank everyone who helped us move enough!! LaNdOn did great the first night in our HoMe and only woke up once a little freaked out. I put him in bed with WeS and I and he went right back to sleep. It took him a good week to realize this was our new HoMe and that he had a new BeDrOoM. He was really done GrEaT with the mOvE and hopefully he LoVeS his new HoMe :)
LaNdOn LoVeS them!
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