Most people LoVe OcToBeR due to all the CaNdY...I LoVe OcToBeR due to all of the PuMpKiNs!!! I absolutely LoVe pUmPkInS :) They are by far the coolest looking OrAnGe things around! I LoVe going out to the PuMpKiN PaTcHeS and looking for the PeRfEcT PuMpKiNs! It is sooo much FuN, especially now that I have a CuTe LiTtLe BoY who LoVeS to do it just as much as I do (and a HuSbAnD who is a good sport and goes with me). This year I didn't to have as many PuMpKiNs around our HoMe as I would have liked because....we have officially decided to list our HoMe and find our PeRfEcT HoMe where we can raise our FaMiLy and be settled for a very long time!
Selling our HoMe has been a hard decision, mostly cause this is our FiRsT hOmE that we bought together and the FiRsT HoMe that we brought LaNdOn HoMe to after he was born. We just have sooo many GrEaT MeMoRieS that it is hard to leave, but we are running out of space and need something BiGgEr and a YaRd for LaNdOn to run around in!
The HoMe search was a crazy one, but we knew what school districts we wanted to be in and we really wanted to stay in our same church our options were limited to say the least. We headed out and started looking...and surprisingly we found our perfect HoMe that day! We went and put in an offer and immediately started doubting our decision. The HoMe we found wasn't very far along in the building process, in fact it only had the walls up and nothing else, so trying to figure out what it would actually looked like had us both doubting!! That night WeS and I didn't sleep a wink and the next day I called our realtor and told him I needed to go back and look at the HoMe again. This time the bUiLdEr was there and he was able to show us and explain to us everything that was going to be where and happen. After that I knew this was the HoMe for us!! The bUiLdEr accepted our offer and everything we asked for right on the spot! We were so excited that we finally found our HoMe where we would be able to have our FaMiLy :)
We had a lot of work to do and a lot of stuff to pick out (tile, cabinets, carpet, appliances, landscaping, fence, lights, etc.) I was a busy process and one that I don't really want to do again anytime soon, but it was fun and we can't wait to see it all come together!
We also did FaMiLy PiCtUrEs this month...and here are a few our our FaVoRiTeS :)
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