FaMiLy VaCaTiOn Continued...
The last day of our VaCaTiOn couldn't have ended with anything other than a BaNg...literally. As we were checking out of our HoTeL, we gave LaNdOn a few rides on the luggage carrier. As we were putting it away, LaNdOn got off and started running back to WeS. What he didn't see what a GiAnT piece of GrAnItE about his eye level and he ran right into it knocking him flat. Not only did he get a big bLaCk EyE he had a GiAnT GoOsE-EgG on the back of his head. We kept him awake for a few hours before we would let him sleep, just to try and make sure he didn't have a CoNcUsSiOn!! After that disaster, we decided to take LaNdOn to see TeMpLe SqUaRe! I didn't realize how much water there was there until I had a 2 year old doing anything and everything he could just to get his little FiNgErS in the WaTeR!! He LoVeD running around and would say hi to all the Sister Missionaries around. It was fun to see him stop to sMeLL all the pretty flowers (he might have picked a few too)! It was fun just to be around the TeMpLe with our FaMiLy and try to teach LaNdOn how ImPoRtAnT the TeMpLe is in our lives!
This month is also Wes's BiRtHdAy...of coarse he had a work Marketing Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana and left the day before his BiRtHdAy!! He was super busy the whole week and even got to go and see ImAgInE DrAgOnS in concert while he was there. Every night he would call LaNdOn and I before we went to BeD so they could have their nightly head-bunting sessions. It was super funny and LaNdOn would laugh and laugh. He truly is such a great DaD to LaNdOn! It is fun to see how much they love and care about each other! He is such a GrEaT ExAmpLe of the type of person I hope and pray LaNdOn with become!
This month was full of fun things and not so fun things. We took LaNdOn to the PaRk every chance we got and he got more and more brave. He was finally going down the BIG sLiDe all by himself and did it like a pro!! On the down side, LaNdOn got the flu this month :( It was a pretty rough few day of throwing-up and having diarrhea, but he was a ChAmP and did great!!
We also decided to sell our hOmE this month since we are ready for a HoMe we can raise our FaMiLy in...that and we really need a BaCkYaRd!!! Only time will tell...
HaPpY BiRtHdAy to the BeSt DaD and LiTtLe BoY could ask for!!
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