WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

ReD, wHiTe, AnD bLuE...

JuLy has always been one of my FaVoRiTe months because of all the FuN activities going on throughout the whole month. It is always warm enough that we go SwImMiNg as much as possible, go to PaRaDeS, watch FiReWoRkS, spend time with FaMiLy, go CaMpInG, and enjoy TaStY new TrEaTs :)
LaNdOn has kept us busy busy busy this month as he now thinks he is a MoNkEy...All he wants to do is cLiMb up everything and JuMp off. It doesn't seem to matter how HiGh or StEaDy it is. If it is taller than him he wants up it. Our CoUcHeS have become his new FaVoRiTe place to JuMp from...he is constantly cLiMbInG up them and jumping off. He seems to be FeArLeSs ;/
Last year we had so much fun in the parade throwing CaNdY and wAvInG to all the people we thought we would do it again...little did we know that LaNdOn had absolutely no interest in throwing CaNdY this year and just wanted to play with his CaRs :) It was still fun, but I couldn't help but LaUgH at this LiTtLe BoY!
We absolutely LoVe FiReWoRkS at our home and this year was a real let down. It was so wInDy that they weren't able to let off the FiReWoRkS until after 11:00PM :( So we missed them. We did get to see a few of our neighbors FiReWoRkS and the whole time LaNdOn kept saying "WOW" after every one! It was so FuN to watch his facial expressions. Hopefully next year they will be better and it won't be so windy!
We also went SwImMiNg as much as possible. LaNdOn absolutely LoVeS the WaTeR and will pLaY in it for hours!! He LoVeS the little sLiDe in his little pOoL and has figured out that he can make his cars a little RaCe-TrAcK with it. It's FuN for him and gives me a chance to TaN my wHiTe LeGs :/ LaNdOn has figured out that you LaY on the ToWeLs when you get out so he thinks he is HiLaRiOuS when he LaYs out on them with Me :)
I also introduced LaNdOn to one of my FaVoRiTe TrEaTs...LaFfY TaFfY!! He LiKeD them so much that he had to have his very own to eat! I think that PuRpLe was his FaVoRiTe out of all the kinds that we tried!!
This month we also decided to spend a day with Wes's FaMiLy camping. While we didn't stay the night, LaNdOn still had a bLaSt rUnNiNg around OuTsIdE, sWiMmInG, and going down the WaTeR sLiDe! We packed our lunch and then got to eat dinner and dessert from the campfire. It was fun and all the little KiDs had fun pLaYiNg together!

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