MaY always makes me excited because it means it is that much closer to SuMmEr TiMe!!! It was been so nice to have weather in the 70s and 80s. We have definitely been taking full advantage of the warm days and have been going for WaLkS, RuNnInG aRoUnD, pLaYiNg at the PaRk, and taking LaNdOn for RiDeS in his TrUcK :) He LoVeS to be outside so much that he just cries when it is CoLd out. He doesn't care how CoLd it is...
LaNdOn has become a BIG help around our HoMe and is great at helping me redo the things I have already done :/ He LoVeS the VaCuUm so much that I think he intentionally spills things on the floor just so I have to VaCuUm again and again. He also loves to help me with the LaUnDrY! He is great at taking the clean, folded clothes out of the BaSkEtS and DrAwErS.
LaNdOn has also developed a LoVe of WeS's HaTs. If they are around the HoUsE he finds them and puts them on! They are HuGe on him, so we are probably going to have to find him his own here shortly :)
SuMmEr TiMe also means FrUiT TiMe for our HoMe. I think LaNdOn may have forgotten what some of it tastes like so it has been FuNnY to watch his FaCe when he eats some of the more SoUr FrUiTs :) He LoVeS oRaNgEs and BaNaNaS and is slowing starting to figure out StRaWbErRiEs and RaSpBeRrIeS again.
LaNdOn and his cousin BrOokLyN have been having a few more pLaY-DaTes! They both always seem to want the exact same toy so we have been practicing our "sharing". Sometimes though we just figure out a way to get both of them doing the same thing :)
This month WeS and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary!! It is crazy to think that we have already been MaRrIeD for FoUr YeArS!! Time has just flown by! It seems like yesterday we just met and here we are with our own little FaMiLy :) WeS happened to be in Atlanta, Georgia for our AnNiVeRsArY for work so we didn't get to really CeLeBrAtE...He did surprise me with fLoWeRs though! (I got WeS new GoLf cLuBs a few weeks prior) So while he was away LaNdOn got to be my date so we went for IcE-cReAm! I'm sure LaNdOn didn't mind filling in ;)
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Fell Asleep During our Walk |
RiDiNg in the TrUcK tOgEtHeR! |
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