What a busy, yet exciting month! It is so hard to BeLiEvE that ChRiStMaS time is here already and that we once again get to CeLeBrAtE the BiRtH of our SaViOr :) HoW truly bLeSsEd we have been this year!!
We are slowly, but surly getting settled into our new HoMe! LaNdOn has already picked out his FaVoRiTe spots in our hOmE and sometimes just doesn't know what to do with all the extra sPaCe! I find him pLaYiNg with this tOyS on the window ledges, in his new RoOm just playing or reading BoOkS, and even wandering around downstairs just because he can! He can't wait to go outside and pLaY again (more on that later...).
We have been a little slow on getting our ChRiStMaS sHoPpInG done this year and slow to get up our ChRiStMaS dEcOrAtIoNs :/ It is probably a good thing WeS is here to keep reminding me that we need to get our tReE up or it just might not have gotten done! LaNdOn did great helping put up the tree and decorate it! I have words and letters on our tree and all throughout our HoMe and since he is going through a LeTtEr obsession phase I have been finding them all over the house :) He is good about trying to leave the words on the ChRiStMaS tReE alone, but my letters on my craft tables are completely fair game to him! At least he is learning his letters :)
LaNdOn also got to go and meet SaNtA!! He did so AwEsOmE and didn't even CrY once :) He even gave him a 'high-five' and got a CaNdY cAnE! Afterwards we went and hung out with WeS up at his desk and played with anything we could find! He did such a GrEaT JoB and was so GoOd :)
This year we tried to keep it simple and just got him a big track for all of his cars and trains to go on. (In the famous words of WeS...it looked like Radiator Springs and The Island of Sodor threw up in our house). Everyone else had different ideas and spoiled him rotten!! LaNdOn has sooo many trains, cars, and books that he doesn't know what he should actually play with!
This year we were also able to help out with our ward 'giving tree' and help a few people in need. We had fun shopping for new clothes and remote controls cars for the kids we got! It was sooo much fun for Wes to get to pick out things he would probably play with himself :)
We also started this month out with LaNdOn's first case of CrOuP this year :( We had to make a few trips to see his PeDiAtRiCaIn and in the end LaNdOn got DiAgNoSeD with ChRoNiC CrOuP. Different kids have different TrIgGeRs, but LaNdOn'S is the really CoLd WeAtHeR. This has always been a constant problem since he was BoRn, but has gotten worse and worse the older he has gotten. We are finally able to start AgGrEsSiVeLy TrEaTiNg it the several rounds of StErOiDs along with BrEaThInG TrEaTmEnTs. Luckily this has worked and we have been able to keep him out of the hOsPiTaL! He is getting to be a 'PrO' at taking his MeDiCiNe and doing his BrEaThInG TrEaTmEnTs :) The down side to his type of CrOuP is that he can't really be around a lot of people/kids and isn't allowed to be outside in the CoLd...so in turn he doesn't get to pLaY oUtSiDe. It has to be a little warmer in order for him to get to be OuTsIdE, which explains why we never have this problem until WiNtEr comes around! He is doing well though and we just have to be extra careful at our HoMe!!
This month we were also able to find out we were ExPeCtInG another LiTtLe BoY in JuNe!!! We couldn't be more eXcItEd and can't wait to have another PrEcIoUs BoY in our HoMe :) It is definitely going to be a little bit different and CrAzY, but we are so ExCiTeD for this new aDvEnTuRe and hope LaNdOn is too!! It is so FuN to think we are now a FaMiLy of 4! This time around has been a little bit more tricky then it was with LaNdOn. I have battled a lot of MoRnInG NaUsEa, been ExHaUsTeD, and been sUpEr SoRe! After we got out of the FiRsT TrImEsTeR life has definitely gotten better :) This BaBy is a whole lot CaLmEr than LaNdOn was, which makes me nervous that he is going to be a CrAzY LiTtLe BoY as he grows up!! It has been so AmAzInG to get to experience this GrOwInG BaBy all over again and I can't wait to meet him!! I know that LaNdOn is going to be the BeSt BiG BrOtHeR :)
We truly HoPe the LoRd has bLeSsEd your FaMiLy has much as he has our this YeAr! We are so gRaTeFuL for our SaViOr and it has been so much FuN to teach LaNdOn all about him! We are so very bLeSsEd to know the gOsPeL is TrUe and that we have LoViNg HeAvEnLy PaReNtS who truly LoVe and CaRe for us and want us all to LiVe with them AgAin! We are so gRaTeFuL for our oLdEr BrOtHeR and LoVe him so very much!
Playing Cars...
Meeting SaNtA...
ChRiStMaS MoRnInG...
BrEaThInG TrEaTmEnTs...
BaBy Boy 'L'