WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

Friday, March 28, 2014

OnE SiLLy BoY...

As more and more times goes bye, the more I realize just how BiG LaNdOn is really getting. It is amazing to me how SmArT he is and how aware of his surrounds he is. He knows our daily routine, how we do stuff, and where we get stuff. 
Since this month is "LoVe MoNtH" it means "bawoon" time to Landon! Everywhere we go there are "bawoons" and he thinks we need to get one every time! Most of the time I tell him we can get one at HoMe, but Wes is such a softy with LaNdOn that he gives into his "bawoon" obsession! So on one of our outings, LaNdOn begged for a "bawoon" and Wes gave in :) We didn't even get out of the parking lot and back HoMe and LaNdOn was fast asleep, but holding tight to his new "bawoon!!" It is so funny how persistent he can be in getting what he wants!
LaNdOn is always my BiG HeLpEr and does a great job at helping me clean our HoMe, unless I'm mopping the floors, then he likes that the chairs are all lined up and he can walk back and forth on them. He also likes that the "baby-chair" is so close to the TV and he can eat snack and watch his favorite cartoons! It works out GrEaT for both of us cause I get all my mopping done and he gets to watch cartoons!
This month we have also been watching the Olympics! Wes was watching SkeLeToN RaCiNg one night and LaNdOn decided that he was going to be a racer too! He went in his closet and grabbed his LaUnDrY BaSkEt, brought it out onto the CoUcH, and watched the racers race down on their stomaches...so naturally he did the same thing! I didn't even think that he was paying any attention to it, but obviously he was!!
LaNdOn definitely got spoiled for VaLeNtInE's DaY this year!! He got more Thomas the Train books and toys from Wes and I and a Thomas the Train Blanket from Grandma! He seriously LOVES this blanket and won't sleep without it. He thinks that he needs to be snuggled up in it now in order for him to sleep! He also got several cards in the mail and thought it was cool that some even came with MoNeY!
Since we had a few nice days this month, LaNdOn and I decided to go and play outside! He wanted all of his toys outside...and that included all the SuMmEr ToYs too! So I got his pool out also and he immediately though we needed to put water in it. I told him it was way toooo cold for water, so he would have to have fun just going down the slide! After trying to get all his clothes off multiple times we settled on just taking off his shoes while he played in the pool! The poor kid can't wait until SuMmEr already :)
We have also still been dealing with settling in our lawn and Wes has been a trooper at keeping up with all of it! He spends hours upon hours outside repacking the dirt so that we don't get any more "sink-holes!" It has seriously been taking a lot of time after work, but he is doing a great job and we don't mind playing outside while his fixes the lawn!
WeS always likes to pretend that he is sleeping when LaNdOn tries so hard to get his attention...so one day I was in my bedroom calling for LaNdOn to come and help me pick up his toys he left in there and we wasn't coming! All of a sudden I see him running by with his bLaNkeT and he dove on the couch, tried as fast as he could to cover himself up with it, and acted like he was asleep!! He seriously thinks he is sooo funny...and all I can do is shake my head and tell him he is just like his DaD!! He definitely keeps us on our toes!!!
I decided that I need to get LaNdOn PoTtY-TrAiNed soon cause BaBy L will be here in no-time!! I have tried to just put LaNdOn on the BiG-PoTtY before he takes his nightly bath, but that just caused him a lot of anxiety and he ended up hating taking a bath cause he didn't want to sit on the BiG-PoTtY! :( So I decided I had better get him his own "BiG-BoY-PoTtY" and sTooL to WaSh his HaNds afterwards. His PoTtY and sTooL finally came in the mail and he couldn't stop playing with them. He LoVeD all the songs his PoTtY sang and that he could fLuSh the PoTtY all by himself!! He has also been carrying his BiG-BoY-sTooL around everywhere and even though he needed to bring it to get into the car one day to go to ChUrCh!! He is super funny and hopefully he is this excited about PoTtY-TrAiNiNg next month :/


"BaBy ChAiR"

 "sKeLeToN RaCeR"
"LoVe DaY"...


"Fixing the Yard..."

"SnEeKy sLeEpEr"
"NeW PoTtY"

Thursday, March 27, 2014

HaPpY 2014...

2014 has been anything but great to our FaMiLy so far. We are not people who get sick all the time but we have all been sick at one point or another since the first part of DeCeMbEr...and to say we are ready to get rid of it would be an UnDeRsTaTeMeNt!! I got super sick Christmas Night and it kept getting steadily worse. I started off with an EaR and SiNuS iNfEcTiOn which turned into an UpPeR ReSpIrAtOrY InFeCtIoN which started turning into PnEuMoNiA! Needless to say it was a long 3 weeks fill with multiple AnTiBiOtIcS just to try and keep it under control and me out of the hospital with our LiTtLe BaBy. Wes quickly followed with an EaR and SiNuS iNfEcTiOn with turned into BrOnChItIs literally overnight...and he in turn gave it to LaNdOn who started to get CrOuP again and a really bad CoLd. So to help him stop coughing Wes and I came up with a way to elevate his BeD so that he could sLeEp more and CoUgH less...we thought we were so SmArT at 3:00AM. Needless to say, we have all been to the DoCtOr'S oFfIcE more times in the past few weeks than we were all of last year! Hopefully the end is in sight...
Our HoMe has been GrEaT and we AbSoLuTeLy LOVE it! We haven't really been able to start getting things really 'together' since we have all been sick, but hopefully that will start to change soon. We (I should say Wes) has been dealing with our lawn settling the past few weeks and has been having to roll our sod back up an pack more dirt underneath it. It is definitely going to give us a lot of  work over the next few months due to all the snow and rain and our sod not rooted completely yet. We have seriously had the best neighbors helping us and letting us borrow their 'lawn supplies' since we are new HoMe OwNeRs and don't have anything we need to take care of the lawn and landscaping yet. We thought we would have plenty of time since SuMmEr was a few months away, but little did we know :/
LaNdOn has been growing up so FaSt and is learning to TaLk so much more lately. Wes and I say all the time how we wish time would slow down so we could eNjOy him at this stage a little bit longer! He has definitely got his own PeRsOnaLiTy and isn't aFrAiD to let us know it. He wants to do things his way and only when he wants to do it...and that is that!
I've been told by many MoM's to watch out for the "NaKeD BoY PhAsE" he was going to be getting into shortly...and well we have officially found it!!! Landon is always taking off his SoCkS and PaNtS all day long! At first I though it was FuNnY, but now it seems to be getting out of control!! All he want's to do is run around the HoUsE 'NaKeD'! It is so hard to keep him dressed, especially when we are trying to go 'out'. I'm told this pHaSe will last at least another 2 years, and by then we'll have another 'LiTtLe NaKeD bOy' running around so I guess I had better get used to it!
LaNdOn has decided that he aBsoLuTeLy LOVES to CoLoR now! He always wants to dRaW new PiCtUrEs and will tell you when it is time to 'WaSh' it off so he can DrAw another PiCtUrE. He is getting to be quite the little PiCaSsO!
Usually on my days off I spend a lot of time trying to come up with new things for LaNdOn to do since we have been stuck inside! A few of his favorites are getting my big bowls out and JuMpInG off of them, turning them into MuSiCaL InStRuMeNtS, and being a cLoWn with them. I've also been trying to teach him how to pLaY MeMoRy. He plays it on my phone all the time, so I thought it would be fun if we could do it together. Since they were 'ThOmAs tHe TrAiN' I thought he would LoVe this game...turns out he just wants to make a TrAiN with all the TrAiN CaRdS! He has fun either way I guess!
LaNdOn also got to experience 'BuBbLe WrAp' for the first time. We finally got our blinds in and while we were installing them LaNdOn thought it would be FuN to lay the BuBbLeS out all over the floor and run across them. He would just run and laugh at all the PoPpInG sounds they would make. Literally hours of EnTeRtAiNmEnT for a 2 YeAr oLd!
LaNdOn has also become quite the little helper around our HoMe. His absolute FaVoRiTe is to help me dust. I went out and bought a little SwIfFeR duster so he could help me and now he knows he's in charge of dusting! He really does such a GrEaT job and always makes sure that he gets his toys all clean too :)
This month we were able to see our 'LiTtLe BaBy L' in our official uLtRaSoUnD!! He is getting so BiG and we couldn't believe that we were going to be parents again :) We are so ExCiTed to get to meet this LiTtLe BoY! Things looked great on the uLtRaSoUnD and it was funny to know that he is laying the exact same way that LaNdOn did in my TuMmY! His measurements were right on and he is becoming quite the FiEsTy LiTtLe BoY! It has been such a bLeSsIng to get to feel him WiGgLiNg and KiCkInG around!! So far everything has been going great with 'BaBy L' and my blood pressure has stayed ok. Hopefully things will continue to progress smoothy and we will soon be meeting a hEaLtHy LiTtLe BoY in JuNe :)

No PaNts....


Mr. PiCaSsO...

Mr. DuStEr...

Getting way too BiG!

MaKiNg a TrAiN...

"Baby L" in MoTiOn...