This month we got so much SnOw!! I'm not the biggest fan of it, but we need the moisture to FaRm this coming year. I didn't let LaNdOn play in the sNoW a ton cause I didn't want him to get sick, but we made it out on the days it was little nicer OuTsIdE :) We bought him some SnOw-BoOtS, gLoVeS, and a winter CoAt and he was set. He LoVeD walking around outside and through the sNoW! He just kept looking at all the wHiTe sTuFf in amazement :) Once I showed him it was FuN to EaT he LoVeD it even more!! They had the sNoW piled up pretty high around our HoMe and LaNdOn thought it was so much fun to try and climb up it, until he fell through and then he didn't like it anymore!!
Since ChRiStMaS, LaNdOn hasn't stopped playing with his CaRs GeO tRaX! It is constantly running in our HoMe all day long. He has figured out how to control the CaR and gets a little FrUsTrAtEd with them when they don't do what he wants them to do. We have had to have a few TaLkS about being PaTiEnT!!
We finally broke down and got LaNdOn and HiGh-ChAiR! He has absolutely LoVeD his BuMbO so much that I didn't really realize he needed a new HiGh-ChAiR until he was getting to be a little too BiG for it! After I got it all set up he couldn't wait to get inside :) He thinks he is such a BiG bOy now and LoVeS to sit at the tAbLe with us for LuNcH and DiNnEr!! He has been quite the ChArAcTeR in it and just makes us LaUgH!
For some reason LaNdOn has decided that he is a 'GaNgStEr' now and has to wear his PaJaMaS like they do. He is constantly pulling down his PaNtS under his BuM and walking around the house!! We finally caught him watching CaRtOoNs like this and got some pretty funny pictures! I sure don't know where he learned it (from WeS I'm sure), but it is sure funny :)
We sure LoVe this CrAzY bOy!!
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Mad cause the CaR stopped... |
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You want a Piece of ME?!? |
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LoViNg his NeW cHaIr |
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