I was so excited for ChRiStMaS this year!! I always LoVe this time of year and the reason to CeLebRaTe ChRiSt!! I think I was even more excited this year because we had LanDoN and finally put up a ChRiStMaS tRee (which died after about 2 weeks...going fake next year!). I think WeS was even more ExCiTeD than I was...he couldn't wait to get everyone up to open PrEsEnTs! LanDoN was a little overwhelmed by all the ToYs, bOxEs, and PaPeR...but still had fun with all his new stuff! WeS couldn't get his ToYs out of the boxes and ties fast enough for him most of the time so we had a few aLLiGaTor TeArs :( This year we CeLeBrAtEd ChRiStMaS with WeS's FaMiLy. We had a great time together. On Sunday we all went to ChuRcH together and listened to the BeAuTiFuL mUsiC our ChIoR had prepared!! It truly invited the SpIriT and made the day that much better. After we were all able to have lunch together and open presents. LanDoN definitely got spoiled and by this time was more interested in all the CoLoRfuL WrApPinG PapEr!! He had fun tearing it off all of the boxes and seeing his 'SuRpRisE' inside. It truly is the best time of the YeAr!! I am so GrAteFuL for my sweet little FaMiLy! They mean the whole world to me and I don't know what I would do without them. WeS is the BeSt HuSbAnD...he is someone I look up to every single day and hope that I can become like him. He has the most LoViNg HeArT of anyone I have ever met! He takes such great care of LanDoN and Me...he LoVeS his job, HoLds and HoNorS his PrIesThOoD, is the BeSt DaD in the entire world, and is someone I am pRouD to call my BeSt FrIeNd. He makes me so HaPpY every single day and LanDoN just AdOrEs him. He truly is a MaN oF GoD and I am so gLaD we get to spend EteRnItY ToGeThEr with EaCh OtHeR!! GoD has definitely blessed us beyond measure :) LanDoN is such a CuTe, HaPpY, GeNtLe, LoViNg, SwEeT, TeNdEr, AdOrAbLe LiTtLe BoY!! We are so ExCiTeD to have him in our FaMiLy and feel so very bLeSsEd to have him!! He makes our DaYs and LiVeS so much better with his SwEeT SpIrIt and LoViNg PeRsOnaLiTy...He is definitely a MoMmA's BoY but LoVeS to hang out with his PaPa and listen to MuSiC!! (He is truly his DaD's son) He LoVeS your undivided AtTenTioN, pLaYinG with ToYs, ReAdiNg bOoKs, being OuTsIde, his bLaNkEt and BiNk, sNuGgLiNg, and watching WoRdWorLd!! He is getting BiGgEr and BiGgEr every single day and is becoming quite the LiTtLe bOy!! He LoVeS with aLL of his HeArT :) He has been such a great baby and we are very honored he was sent to our FaMiLy!! We are ThAnKFul for ChRiSt and his InFiNiTe AtOnEmEnT. We are very bLeSsEd to have someone LoVe us so much that he would DiE for us and TaKe upon him all the SiNs of the WorLd. I am so HoNoReD to call him my 'oLdEr bRoThEr'! I hope the LoRd has bLeSsEd your FaMiLy as much as he has ours. The gOsPeL is truly one of the GreAtEsT GiFtS that we could have ReCeIvEd!! We LoVe you all! MeRrY cHrIsTmAs :)
GoOd MoRnInG!!!
Couldn't Get It Out Fast Enough :) |
Some of Landon's Toys!! |
Playing Cars with Papa |
Opening more Presents :) |
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Eating the Paper! |
LoVeS this PuPpY |
MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!!! |
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