I know that I'm a few days late writing what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving but these last few days have been a little crazy!! I'm sure that it's no surprise but I am very very thankful for my sweet, fun, amazing little family!! This year Wes and I were blessed with a precious little boy who has completely changed our life and world! We never knew that being parents would be so much work, yet so amazing and rewarding :) We are definitely new at it but we are learning together day by day! It makes it easy that Landon is such a good baby. He is always smiling and laughing and making us so happy! It makes me sad to see how much he is growing and how fast he is turning into my "BiG bOy" but it is also so fun to see him learning new things and getting so excited about the simple things (Christmas Lights)! He has been rolling over for about a month now but I've been the only one that has seen it, until yesterday!! Landon finally rolled over for Wes!! Wes was so excited!! So excited he was like a kid in the candy store :) It was fun to see how the little things that Landon does completely makes our day! I am definitely grateful for Wes also! He is such an amazing husband and works so hard for our family :) I am so grateful that I married a man who holds the priesthood, is active in the church, respects me, provides for our family, and just Loves me for me!! It makes life that much better. I don't know what I would do without him in my life!! Did I mention how great of a dad he is to Landon...he absolutely LoVeS Landon so much! He is always so excited to come home from work because Landon is waiting to greet him with a BiG sMiLe :) It is the BeSt!! I could keep going on and on about my TwO bOyS but I don't have a lot of time with both of them needing my attention. I truly LoVe them BoTh so very much it makes my HeaRt hurt. I am truly grateful for WeS and LaNdOn this Thanksgiving :)
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