WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

WeS, LeXiE, LaNdOn, aNd LoGaN

Friday, December 16, 2011

pReCiOuS MoMeNtS...

Since going back to work I have cHeRiShEd the days that I get to stay HoMe with LanDoN! It has definitely been a difficult transition but one that I think is making both of us StRoNgEr :) I have been LuCkY that I only have to work a couple of days a week and FaMiLy is able to watch LanDoN (which gives me a peace of mind). I absolutely LoVe to just pLaY with him all day long. He LoVeS your undivided AttEnTioN and will do anything to get it :)
LanDoN is gRoWiNg more and more every single day and is becoming so SmArT!! He is very AttEnTiVe and LoVeS to see everything. He also LoVeS to be where I am all the time. It makes me feel so SpeCiaL that he LoVes me that much to want to be with me everywhere I go :) LanDoN definitely has his FaVorItE things already and can't stand to be apart from them...His ThReE favorite things we have to make sure he has at all times are...1) His bLaNkEt, 2) His BiNk, and 3) his RiNg ToYs. If he doesn't have these ThReE things he has a MeLt-dOwN!! He even has to have them all when he sLeEpS :) I think that it's so CuTe he has his own little PeRsOnaLitY and isn't afraid to show it!! I have come to cherish all these little pReCioUs MoMeNtS that I get to share with my SwEeT LiTtLe BoY :) He completely MeLtS my HeArT everyday and I can't ImAgInE my life without him...

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I know that I'm a few days late writing what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving but these last few days have been a little crazy!! I'm sure that it's no surprise but I am very very thankful for my sweet, fun, amazing little family!! This year Wes and I were blessed with a precious little boy who has completely changed our life and world! We never knew that being parents would be so much work, yet so amazing and rewarding :) We are definitely new at it but we are learning together day by day! It makes it easy that Landon is such a good baby. He is always smiling and laughing and making us so happy! It makes me sad to see how much he is growing and how fast he is turning into my "BiG bOy" but it is also so fun to see him learning new things and getting so excited about the simple things (Christmas Lights)! He has been rolling over for about a month now but I've been the only one that has seen it, until yesterday!! Landon finally rolled over for Wes!! Wes was so excited!! So excited he was like a kid in the candy store :) It was fun to see how the little things that Landon does completely makes our day! I am definitely grateful for Wes also! He is such an amazing husband and works so hard for our family :) I am so grateful that I married a man who holds the priesthood, is active in the church, respects me, provides for our family, and just Loves me for me!! It makes life that much better. I don't know what I would do without him in my life!! Did I mention how great of a dad he is to Landon...he absolutely LoVeS Landon so much! He is always so excited to come home from work because Landon is waiting to greet him with a BiG sMiLe :) It is the BeSt!! I could keep going on and on about my TwO bOyS but I don't have a lot of time with both of them needing my attention. I truly LoVe them BoTh so very much it makes my HeaRt hurt. I am truly grateful for WeS and LaNdOn this Thanksgiving :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

BuMbO tiMe...

LanDoN has been able to hold his HeaD up and SiT up pretty well so I though getting him a BUMbO would be perfect! The FiRsT time we put him in it he screamed!! My HeArT was broke :( I thought for sure he would LoVe it. Everyday we "practice" sitting in the BuMbO to help him get used to it. He's getting better but still doesn't LaSt very LoNg. While he was HaPpY in his new SeAt I decided that I had better take a few PiCtUreS...


Since the day LanDoN was born he has LoVeD MuSiC, just like his PaPa! When we get in the CaR we have to turn on the MuSiC right away to keep him from CrYinG...One day Wes was listening to MuSiC and LanDoN kept staring at him, obviously wanting a turn too :) So we decided to put on the BeAts and let him have a listen...He LoVeD it of coarse!!

LoVe these Chubby Cheeks!!!

SpA dAy...

For My BiRtHdAy Wes got me a FooT SoaKeR/MasSaGeR! He was dying to test it out so he went and FiLLed it up with WaTer...little did he know, LanDoN wanted to teSt it out FirSt!! He saw the WaTeR and wouldn't wait to get his little TooTsiEs in there :) So I took off his PJs and let him put his FeeT in the WaTeR. He LoVeD the WaTeR moving around, the pretty LigHtS, and the MasSaGeR! He LoVeD it so much that he was trying to put his whole BodY in the WaTeR!! We definitely got a good LauGh...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

ThE pUmpKiN pAtCh...

I LoVe pumpkins and we were so eXciTeD to take Landon to the pUmpKiN pAtCh!! He LovEs being outside so I knew he would LoVe all the pUmpKiNs and the pretty coLoRs :) When we got to the PumPkiN PaTch, Landon LovEd watching all the kids running around, but then he saw the pUmpKinS!! It was so cUte to see him next to those BiG pUmpKiNs!! He definitely gave us some fUn pictures...

CuTe sTuFF...

I was taking pictures of Landon when he started pOsiNg for me! It was so CuTe and so FunNy and I was laughing so hard I'm surprised I even got the pictures! :)

StoRy TeLLinG...

Landon's new favorite thing to do is TaLk, taLk, TaLK!! He LoVes just laying on the ground with you and talking...He is quite FuNny to just sit and listen to. Sometimes all he does is LaUgH and SmiLe when he is telling you his story, other times he has a very SaD tone. It is so CutE that he knows what he is talking about and uses eMoTioN, but all I understand is the eMoTioN behind it :) Even though I can't really understand him, it still makes me sMiLe that he thinks I do...

SnUggLeS aNd KiSseS...

From the second Landon was born he has LOVED to SnUggLe and give KiSseS and we have definitely taken advantage of the LoVe he has to share with us. He LoVes to snuggle up with us when we take naps or come into our bed early in the morning just to snuggle in bed with us!! He truly brings more and more LOvE into our family every single day...