Since going back to work I have cHeRiShEd the days that I get to stay HoMe with LanDoN! It has definitely been a difficult transition but one that I think is making both of us StRoNgEr :) I have been LuCkY that I only have to work a couple of days a week and FaMiLy is able to watch LanDoN (which gives me a peace of mind). I absolutely LoVe to just pLaY with him all day long. He LoVeS your undivided AttEnTioN and will do anything to get it :)
LanDoN is gRoWiNg more and more every single day and is becoming so SmArT!! He is very AttEnTiVe and LoVeS to see everything. He also LoVeS to be where I am all the time. It makes me feel so SpeCiaL that he LoVes me that much to want to be with me everywhere I go :) LanDoN definitely has his FaVorItE things already and can't stand to be apart from them...His ThReE favorite things we have to make sure he has at all times are...1) His bLaNkEt, 2) His BiNk, and 3) his RiNg ToYs. If he doesn't have these ThReE things he has a MeLt-dOwN!! He even has to have them all when he sLeEpS :) I think that it's so CuTe he has his own little PeRsOnaLitY and isn't afraid to show it!! I have come to cherish all these little pReCioUs MoMeNtS that I get to share with my SwEeT LiTtLe BoY :) He completely MeLtS my HeArT everyday and I can't ImAgInE my life without him...