JuNe has been a FuN, BuSy, and CrAzY month at our HoMe. We have had a few ChAnGeS and ExCiTiNg OpPoRtuNiTiEs that have made things a little easier for us, but made us even busier! As most of you know, I lost my job 3 days after we had LaNdOn :/ It made the ExCiTeMeNt of a NeW LiTtLe BoY a little more stressful! I was fortunate enough to get a call from EIRMC with a JoB OpPoRtUnItY :) I was so ReLiEvEd and GrAtEfuL, but StReSsInG about leaving LaNdOn with someone else. We knew it was going to be ok, but it didn't help ease my mind for MoNtHs and MoNtHs. I was able to get a job as an X-RaY TeCh at EIRMC and with 2 hours of driving to do at least 3 times a week, I had a lot of TiMe to ThInK and CrY about leaving my PrEcIoUs BoY :( I made the trek to IdAhO FaLLs for 5 YeArS before our prayers were finally answered and was oFFeRReD a job here in PoCaTeLLo at PhYsIcIaNs ImMeDiAtE CaRe. I absolutely LOVED my job, co-workers, and the doctors I worked with at EIRMC and there were so many exciting changes happening that when I got the new offer, I was HeSiTaNt and ScArEd to say the least. ChAnGe is always hard, no matter how much it benefits you!! We took a LeAp of FaItH and I took the job at PhYsiCiAnS...and it has been a GrEaT dEcIsIoN!! I have really LeArNeD sooo much from the great people I work with. I didn't know how or if I would be able to draw blood and start IV's but somehow I have come to LOVE that part of the job!! (a VaMpIrE I have become) I work with GrEaT people and GrEaT physicians and have learned soooo much that I feel will help in taking care of my FaMiLy. It has TeStEd my CoNfiDeNcE, KnOwLeDgE, and JuDgEmEnT of different SiTuAtIoNs, but has been a great decision to switch jobs!! It has been nice to only have to DrIvE 5 minutes to get to work every day and LaNdOn is only 2 minutes away from where I work so if there is ever a problem I can be there so quick!! That has probably given me the biggest peace of mind! To say that I don't miss EIRMC and my "7 on 7 off" crew would be a BIG uNdErStAtEmEnT!! I have missed not working with them like crazy and all the fun x-rays I got to do everyday, but LaNdOn was our FiRsT PrIoRiTy and we needed to do what was best for him in the long run!! So even though ChAnGe is HaRd, it has been GOoD :)
LaNdOn has kept us BuSy, bUsY, BuSY this month. With it being 90+ degrees outside that is where he thinks he needs to be! He is having so much FuN with SuMmEr this year. We pLaY outside at least half the day when we are HoMe. He LoVeS every single minute of it and has been sLeePiNg through the nIgHt because he just wears himself OuT :) We have spent a lot of TiMe playing in his CaStLe, in SwImMiNg pOoLs, DrAwInG piCtUrEs, at the PaRkS, EaTiNg IcE-cReAm and CoOkIeS, and learning how to DrInK out of a BiG CuP aLL bY HiMseLf!! We have tried to take NiGhtLy walks and then let LaNdOn pLaY outside at the pArK. He has sooo much FuN! It is CrAzY to us that he is going to be turning 2 in AuGuSt!!!! Where has all the time gone?!? Out little baby has definitely turned into a LiTtLe BoY :/ He has been such a HuGe bLeSsInG in our lives!!
Even though his month has been BuSy and FuLL of ExCiTiNg cHaNgEs it has been a great month. We have truly been bLeSsEd to finally feel as though we are putting ourselves at the RiGhT pLacE at the RiGht TiMe. Even though ChAnGe is HaRd and ScArY sometimes, sometimes we just need to have the FaItH that HeAvEnLy FaThEr is trying to put us in the RiGhT pLaCe. He has truly bLeSsEd our FaMiLy so much!!