This month has been a definite cHaLLeNgE!! LaNdOn has become quite the LiTtLe cLiMbEr and has been getting in his EyE-TeEtH :( We have never really had a problem with any of these things, but they have sure kept our HoMe cRaZy!!
LaNdOn has decided that cLiMbInG on everything is his new FaVoRiTe thing to do. It it is on top of the DiNnInG rOoM tAbLe, KiTcHeN CoUnTeRs, LiViNg rOoM tAbLeS, BeDs, ChAiRs, and the FrIdGe. He thinks that he needs to be on top of everything he can cLiMb. We have had to pay a little bit closer attention to him so that he doesn't fall on his HeAd again like last month :(
3 New TeEtH!! LaNdOn'S EyE-tEeTh has decided to come in all at the same time and has given us one sad, sick little BoY!! He spent about 4 or 5 days on the CoUcH watching MoViEs/CaRtOoNs and trying to keep a FeVeR under control (which was literally out of control). Every time we thought we were making progress it would come back even worse. Trying to keep him cOoL was quite a cHaLLeNgE too because he didn't like the "CoLd" on his head. We definitely had a few NiGhTs of little sleep but those 3 teeth have finally come in for the most part. Although it is getting CuTeR and cUtEr to see him with a MoUtH FuLL of TeEtH, I sure miss that cUtE little GaP that he had in this top FrOnT tEeTh :( It was sooo CuTe and just like that it is gOnE :( But he 'cHeEsY' little sMiLe still just makes me LaUgH and sMiLe :)
While being sick we decided to break out the pLaY-DoUgH and make things...LaNdOn'S favorite thing to make was CiRcLeS. He loved RoLLiNg them around and putting them in all the different CoLoReD containers. It was always short LiVeD but at least we can say we did it!
This month was also LaNdOn'S cOusIn's FiRsT bIrThDaY!! They had a bLaSt at her party and by the end LaNdOn was definitely exhausted :)
Brooklyn's Birthday! |